Eskom load-shedding will triple in 3 years – CSIR

Bradley Prior 12 August 2020

South Africa should brace itself for exponential increases to load-shedding until 2022.

This is according to research conducted by Dr Jarrad Wright and Joanne Calitz of the CSIR, who were presenting their findings in a presentation entitled “Setting up for the 2020s: Addressing South Africa’s electricity crisis and getting ready for the next decade… and now COVID-19”.

Wright said that South Africans should expect heavy load-shedding to continue for at least two to three years – depending on the key decisions and actions taken by the relevant entities.

Not only will load-shedding continue over the next few years – it will get significantly worse.

According to the updated Energy Availability Factor (EAF) and demand forecast at which Wright and Calitz arrived, South Africa should expect over 4,500GWh of load-shedding in 2022, compared to the 1,352GWh the country suffered in 2019.

Read more at:

More on the topic, our post of 31rd March 2019:

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