An Electronic Silent Spring – October, 2017 Newsletter from Katie Singer

The consequences of “smart”phones & meters
by Katie Singer  *

October, 2017’s Electronic Silent Spring Newsletter:

It reports on rarely reported consequences of smart phones and smart meters:
1. Depletion of natural resources
2. Addiction
3. Loss of democracy and liability
4. Fire
5. Death by distraction
6. Brain tumors

An Electronic Silent Spring – October, 2017 Newsletter from Katie Singer


An Electronic Silent Spring explores What is EMR? (Electromagnetic radiation emitted by wireless technologies like cell phones, cell towers, cordless DECT phones, Wi-Fi, smart meters.)

It answers What is EMF? (EMF stands for electromagnetic fields. All living creatures need the Earth’s EMFs in order to navigate, digest food, reproduce and more. Man-made EMFs emitted by electronic technologies can interfere with and harm living creatures’ basic functioning. See more about the website An Electronic Silent Spring at this link

Archived newsletters:
Katie Singer is also the author of the book Electronic Silent Spring.

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