The impacts of artificial Electromagnetic Radiations on wildlife (flora and fauna)

EKLIPSE held a web conference from Monday 22nd of January to Thursday 25th of January 2018.

EKLIPSE invited a wide range of experts from different disciplines to discuss the current knowledge on the effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) on wildlife. The aim was to highlight the current state of the art in this field, to identify knowledge gaps related to the impacts on different taxonomic groups, to discuss the technical aspects and methodologies used in current studies, and to identify and prioritize key research needs and policy recommendations.

You will find below the slides of the presentations that were made along the week:

Monday, 22nd January at 16:00 CET. Introduction session.

Tuesday, 23rd January at 13:30 CET. Thematic session on Plants.

Tuesday, 23rd January at 16:00 CET. Thematic session on Vertebrates.

Wednesday, 24th January at 16:00 CET. Thematic session on Invertebrates.

Thursday, 25th January at 16:00 CET. Transversal elements and conclusions.


Top Policy recommendations: Plants


47% Foster cross-institutional/interdisciplinary cooperation

25% Define legal limits of EMR based on scientific results that will not be harmful to humans and wildlife

14% Have large open databases enabling sharing of information and faster learning

14% Use the Precautionary Principle


         Top Policy Recommendations: Vertebrates

19% Establish a cross-disciplinary platform to enhance cooperation and foster collaboration between

institutions, countries and disciplines.

19% Make more funding available for EMR research.

13% Conduct cross-institutional studies that include cooperation of dosimetry/technical and biology experts.

49% Other.

Top Policy Recommendations: Invertebrates

20% Allocate more funding for research on the topic.

17% Set up a stakeholders’ group to have open discussions on the effects of EMR.

13% Use “proof of safety” standards prior to the widespread proliferation/use of new technologies/EMR emmissions.

50% Other.


The video recordings of the web conference will soon be made available on the EKLIPSE Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDYU3o_lZWrHFMDWh3EUdMA/featured

If you have attended the web conference, please leave your feedback through our evaluation form.

If you registered to the web conference, but could not attend it, do not hesitate to let us know why: secretariat@eklipse-mechanism.eu.

In case you would like to share links or publications, or to continue discussions on the topic, feel free to use the dedicated thread on our KNOCK Forum. Note that registration is required to post messages.

We are currently working on the report that will summarise the key results of the analyses as well as the outcomes


Update: see the report below:




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