China – 5G, Surveillance Technologies

Chinese police are employing artificial intelligent (AI), 5G, facial recognition, smart lamps equipped with surveillance cameras, Wi-Fi and alarm buttons in preparation for the upcoming 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, on October 1.

A local police officer from Dongtai county, East China’s Jiangsu Province, who requested anonymity, told the Global Times on Sunday that they have bought drones and will use them to monitor the streets on busy days.

Police officers from Suzhou, also in Jiangsu, confirmed that they had introduced facial recognition products and increased the number of surveillance cameras in the city to crack down on crimes and safeguard social security.

Police authorities at Huaqiangbei, which is dubbed “the No.1 electronics market in China,” have introduced smart lamps equipped with surveillance cameras, Wi-Fi and alarm buttons, to deal with thieves. They vowed to further digitalize their police affairs this year to prepare for the upcoming 70th anniversary.

Shenzhen has become a pioneer in applying 5G technology to the construction of police stations after the city was reported in late April to have built the country’s first 5G police station, featuring cutting-edge technologies, which enabled real-time ultra-high definition image transmission, facial recognition, police drone patrols and augmented reality smart glasses.

Police gear-up for anniversary
High-tech approaches promote law enforcement


China has a relentless development of advanced surveillance technologies, which are controlling the population at home and are now being exported to countries around the world. With China’s surveillance state, everything is connected. The Xinjiang surveillance state laboratory, widely exported safe city technologies and exported critical networking equipment.  Huawei is there throughout.

According to the New York Times: “Under President Xi Jinping, the Chinese government has vastly expanded domestic surveillance, fueling a new generation of companies that make sophisticated technology at ever lower prices. A global infrastructure initiative is spreading that technology even further.”

The newspaper reported from Ecuador, on a surveillance system installed in 2011 that “is a basic version of a program of computerized controls that Beijing has spent billions to build out over a decade of technological progress. According to Ecuador’s government, these cameras feed footage to the police for manual review.” The newspaper’s investigation found that the “footage also goes to the country’s feared domestic intelligence agency, which under the previous president, Rafael Correa, had a lengthy track record of following, intimidating and attacking political opponents.”

“Ecuador’s system,” the New York Times said, “is called ECU-911 [and] was largely made by two Chinese companies, the state-controlled C.E.I.E.C. and Huawei.” In a statement, Huawei told the newspaper that the company “provides technology to support smart city and safe city programs across the world. In each case, Huawei does not get involved in setting public policy in terms of how that technology is used.”


Beyond 5G: Huawei’s Links To Xinjiang And China’s Surveillance State
– Rain is aiming at a public launch of Huawei 5G enabled devices in September 2019:

See our post of the 27th of February:

Rain launches commercial 5G network in South Africa

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