Cell Towers and City Ordinances

Resource tool for Cities and Citizens by Physicians for Safe Technology

Cell Towers and City Ordinances

Some of the topics covered :

Small Cell Tower Applications: Cities Writing Preemptive  Ordinances
Tools Cities and Citizens Can Use to Preserve Wireless Facilities Control
Citizens are Fighting Cell Tower Proposals

New City Rules: Stronger for Citizens or For Industry?
Denying Applications: Significant Gap in Coverage Required –   Is There a Gap in coverage? Find Out
Lack of Transparency, Monitoring or Consideration of Environmental or Health Concerns
Arguing Health Concerns
Substantial Evidence of Health Harm
There is Emerging and Historical “Substantial Evidence” of Health Harm from Wireless Radiation
Firefighters Get Legal Health Exemption
My Street My Choice A Neighborhood Survival Guide: http://mystreetmychoice.com/   

WirelessAction.wordpress.com- Let Your Voice Be Heard.

Let your voice be heard!

Citizens Fight Back and Oppose Cell Towers
Attorney Patrick Shannon testifying against a 16 tower planned installation in Hillsborough, California

Court Hearings in the Appeal of Cell Towers
Many Cities and Schools Now Fighting Cell Towers In California

Note from EMFSA:

South Africa – 5G and Rapid Deployment

South Africa – Small Cells and 5G Reality Check

Public invitation to comment on the draft of the spectrum policy direction for ICASA

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