Cell C hires consultants to probe practices, advise on restructuring

Source: https://www.telecompaper.com/news/cell-c-hires-consultants-to-probe-practices-advise-on-restructuring–1300508?utm_source=headlines_-_english&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=15-07-2019&utm_content=textlink

Friday 12 July 2019 | 14:04 CET | News


South African operator Cell C said in an open letter that it has hired consultants to probe its business practices for any irregularities and to advise on restructuring. CEO Douglas Craigie Stevenson said Cell C has appointed law firm Bowmans to investigate any parts of the business where the operator suspects there may be irregular practices. It has also hired PwC for a full procurement audit and review of processes.

He said it has engaged in discussions with staff and trade union in an open and transparent way, sticking to legal requirements.

It has told employees about the direction and state of the business and stressed that non-compliance with policies and procedures will not be tolerated. It encourages employees to use the independent whistle-blower service to anonymously report irregularities or illegal activities.

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