Best Best & Krieger LLP Partner Gerry Lederer Discusses Cities’ 5G Challenges with the Wall Street Journal


JUL 08, 2019

Communities Are Having a Hard Time Keeping Up with Wiring Permits

For the Wall Street Journal article “The Downside of 5G: Overwhelmed Cities, Torn-Up Streets, a Decade Until Completion,” Best Best & Krieger LLP Partner Gerry Lederer discussed the impact of 5G  on communities. In an interview with the newspaper, the telecommunications law attorney said cities are having a hard time keeping up with the permits.

Gerry, who represents municipalities in an attempt to overturn FCC rules that dictate how cities must respond to industry 5G permits, noted that most the 5G build-out is only in the planning stage. “The real onslaught has not yet begun,” he said.

Learn more about the FCC’s actions, and cities’ efforts to oppose them, in these recent Legal Alerts:

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