Australia Fires And Technology’s Climate Vampire: Why The Environmental Impact Of 5G Expansion Could Be Massive

By  Dr. Devra Davis 

The ravaging fires of Australia’s drought-riddled bush provide a global warning. Amidst the largest mass evacuation in its history with no relief in sight, thousands of Australians are now forced to shelter-in-place, while others are crammed into seashores where they await rescue by naval ships. Their only hope is to wait till much-needed rains quench the extraordinary raging blazes erupting amidst the hottest and driest year on record.

Uncontrolled burning of coal and other fossil fuels has left the past decade the warmest in modern recorded history, scorching an area down under that is larger than the size of Denmark, and rendering the air of Canberra the worst in the world. Millions are at the mercy of searing temperatures and wicked winds. Ecologists estimate half a billion animals have been killed since the bushfires started in September.

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