August 6th 2020: The illegal cell tower at no 47, 4th road, Heathfield, Cape Town, South Africa has finally been removed.

Background: 17 May 2017, letter to the COCT by Mrs K Wentzel, community activist.
In 2016 during the month of March, Telkom erected an illegal freestanding mast at house no 47, 4th road, Heathfield. No due process was followed. To this day, the mast still stands and is operational. This is a violation of the city’s telecommunications infrastructure policy. The city has acknowledged the mast to be illegal (emails archived since 2016- 2017 for your request).
Ms XXX ( details removed) – I am sure you have been informed of this matter along with so many others. Our communities have been impacted negatively and we need the city’s support in having the masts removed.
After my husband passed in 2013 I was given the opportunity to invest in the suburb Heathfield after twenty five years of renting. I purchased a ruined home in 2014, did eight months of renovation and finally felt content, safe and home. The feeling of owning a home, a space that is yours to enjoy and embrace with your family. The content feeling was short lived due to the illegal mast being erected in close proximity to my home. I would not purchase a property if towers were visible, so clearly this has an impact on our investment.
Statement June 30th 2020 by Mrs K Wentzel
Re: 4th Road Cell Tower, Heathfield 7945
A sigh of relief as another tower is deemed illegal by the Constitutional Court. This tower erected by Telkom on a residential domestic property 4 years ago, has to come down now.
What an eye sore and more importantly what a health risk to us the community.
The fight to have the tower removed and non operational started with, us the community of Heathfield, in objection to its operation.
•What a VICTORY and great lesson learnt.
•Do not give up the fight for what is right.
A stance I firmly believe in if people’s lives and health is compromised by being forced into a situation.
This victory is due to key activists I met along this journey:
•The late Muna Lakhani, may he be at peace. What a knowledgeable individual, his support will never be forgotten.
•Denise Rowland, for her relentless efforts and tenacity. My Wonder Woman.
Her words ring true. ‘We will get this tower removed“
•Our Ward Councilor Kevin Southgate supported our fight and I salute him.
To all those who have shown support or assisted in anyway, I thank you in absolute appreciation.
We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.
Yours in Community
Kay Wentzel
EMFSA: work continues regarding the remaining illegal towers.