Amsterdam Lecture: God is Light and Light is God, by James Lech

Do you wish to have some light shed on science in religion? And not to mention, do you enjoy a glass of wine? Then this lecture may be interesting for you! Come and join us Tuesday 18 February 2020 from 15.30-17.00 in Global Room (HG-1A36, main building, first floor, wing A, room 36).

In his series of “Human Photosynthesis Longevity“, James Lech offers insights on the relation between light and God. What is the “God Particle” and what does the Bible mean when it invokes the phrase “Let there be light”? In this lecture, he will discuss a different viewpoint of the conversion of light energy to matter. These viewpoints are heavily influenced by Dirac, Planck, Einstein, Heisenberg, and St. Basil.

James Lech is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Science. In addition to his doctoral work, he is concerned with recognizing and analyzing patterns in the field of environmental and biological impacts of radiation. As an advisor to governmental bodies, architects, doctors, athletes and attorneys, he is a leading thinker in his discipline.

The lecture is free and for anyone who is interested. However, if you wish to attend, please RSVP by filling in this form or send us an e-mail at

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