8th of April 2019 – Unified SAR Measurement Standard ; 5G and IoT Standards

Credit for this post: https://itis.swiss/news-events/news/latest-news/


The unified SAR measurement standard IEC/IEEE 62209-1528 made another significant step towards publication last week at IEEE headquarters in Piscataway, New Jersey. The document is now heading to the FDIS (Final Draft International Standard) stage at IEC. Publication as a dual-logo standard is expected in the second half of this year.

IEC/IEEE 62209-1528

-represents an important advancement in human exposure assessment from wireless communication devices

– defines procedures and requirements for accurate SAR measurement of devices incorporating several new technologies.

– joint effort of both the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

– combines and replaces three previous standards: IEEE 1528:2013, IEC 62209-1:2016 and IEC 62209-2:2010.

-enables SAR testing of new wireless device technologies, including instrumentation for 5G NR sub-6GHz evaluations.

– incorporates testing of proximity sensors and time-averaged power control.

– frequency range is significantly expanded to 4 MHz to 10 GHz.

-application-specific phantoms are now included so that a wider range of devices can be accurately tsted (e.g., fitness trackers, head-mounted displays and any potential IoT devices).

-test reduction methods and protocols for fast SAR systems are expanded to reduce test time without sacrificing confidence in the results.

5G millimeter waves:

Two important standards for exposure assessment of 5G millimeter-wave devices
IEC/IEEE 63195 applying measurement techniques
IEC/IEEE 62704-5 applying computational electromagnetic methods
Ectromagnetic exposure of Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

The first draft of the  IEEE Guide 1528.7 for electromagnetic exposure of Internet of Things (IoT) devices will be completed in June.

Source: https://itis.swiss/news-events/news/latest-news/

For projected timelines:

TC 106 Methods for the assessment of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields associated with human exposure

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