
Professor Alexander Lerchl, who is leading a study examining the effects of 5G on human cells (funded by the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection), has been found guilty by the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Bremen of disseminating false allegations about the results of the 2004 REFLEX EMF study. Professor Lerchl has to bear the costs of the legal proceedings…
(Below is an auto-translation of an article published by Diagnose:Funk on 28th January 2021 – please see the original article for links),
The Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Bremen sentenced Professor Alexander Lerchl to withdraw his falsification allegation against the REFLEX study
Text of the judgment and report by Prof. Adlkofer
The final judgment was made in December 2020: The falsification claims against the REFLEX study may no longer be repeated. In other words: the results of the REFLEX study from 2004 that cell phone radiation has a genotoxic potential are correct. We document the judgment text and the assessment of Prof. Franz Adlkofer, the former coordinator of the REFLEX study, on this judgment.
Preliminary remark diagnose:funk:
“The reflex study is fake – cell phone radiation does not trigger tumors!” – In 2008 we read this message in consternation in Spiegel, the Süddeutsche, in almost the entire press. Politicians calmly prayed this all-clear up and down. But we soon knew from reports from the scientists involved that the studies were being carried out properly. But at that time the power of interpretation had the mobile communications industry and the media, which did not look properly.
Little did we suspect that it would turn into a science thriller with character assassination, lawsuits and the destruction of livelihoods, which will be exposed as a scandal right away, but will not be legally concluded until 2020. One can learn from this what industry and a corrupted science can do. Now we have it official: the results of the REFLEX study are correct, the claim that they are falsified can no longer be made. A revision of the judgment is not permitted.
On December 11th, 2020 the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Bremen announced the following decision (supplemented by diagnose: funk for better readability):
“The defendant [Prof. Alexander Lerchl] is convicted of avoiding a fine to be determined for each case of the offense of up to EUR 250,000 and, in the event that this cannot be recovered, of custody or up to 6 Months to refrain from publishing and / or having published with reference to the plaintiff [his falsification allegations for the REFLEX study]. The defendant has to bear the costs of the proceedings. The judgment is provisionally enforceable. The amount in dispute is set at EUR 20,000. The revision is not permitted.”
The REFLEX study demonstrated:
* GSM-1800 and GSM-900 change the structure and function of genes below the applicable limit value of 2 W / kg in various human and animal cells after intermittent and continuous exposure. The following effects were found:
* Increase in single and double strand breaks in DNA in human fibroblasts, HL60 cells and rat granulosa cells, but not in human lymphocytes
* Increase in micronuclei and chromosomal aberrations in human fibroblasts
* Changes in gene expression in several cell types, but especially in human endothelial cells and embryonic stem cells from mice. A significant increase in DNA strand breaks was found in human fibroblasts at an SAR value of 0.3 W / kg.
This has now been confirmed directly and indirectly by other large-scale studies, most recently by the NTP , Ramazzini , AUVA studies and many individual studies, confirmed in more than 90 reviews.
* In light of this judgment, we thank Professor Franz Adlkofer for having endured this grueling argument for 12 years.
* In light of this ruling, we urge the media to correct their reporting from 2008 and now to let people know what risks they expose themselves to when using the phone.
* In view of this judgment, we ask the management of the Medical University of Vienna to comment on the intrigue that they have approved and covered at their facility.
* In view of this ruling, we call on the Federal Office for Radiation Protection to cancel the assignment of the 5G study to Prof. Lerchl after his claims about the REFLEX study were condemned as incorrect.
* In view of this judgment, we ask the EMF portal to change the following discriminatory passage. In the EMF summary of the REFLEX studies Diem et al. (2005) and Schwarz et al. (2008) up to now: “Information from the Medical University of Vienna dated May 23, 2008: Suspicion of a faulty study by the former Department of Occupational Medicine and the press release Science and Ethics . In a statement by the Austrian Commission for Scientific Integrity dated November 23, 2010, the falsification allegations not be verified. ” This must be supplemented and corrected with the results of this judgment.
The so-called “Viennese forgery scandal” and the “final document”, with which Prof. Franz Adlkofer evaluates the process, are important documents in the history of science. This scandal is one of the scandals documented by the European Environment Agency in the two volumes “Late lessons from early warnings”. That is why we are documenting Franz Adlkofer’s article here in full.
Anyone who wants to find out more about the history of the Viennese staging of the mobile communications industry can do so on the website, where the dispute is documented, or in the brochure of the Competence Initiative Radiation Protection in Contradiction with Science (free download), can be ordered as a brochure from diagnose:funk shop.
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