Auto translation from French
The refusal by the National Council of a motion requesting immediate monitoring of the health effects is symptomatic of operators’ impatience. But the unease runs deeper.
by Eric Felley
By 102 votes to 75, the National Council swept aside a motion from the Health Commission on Monday evening which wanted to set up monitoring on the deployment of 5G. UDC, PLR, Liberal Greens and a good part of the PDC followed the opposition of Marcel Dobler (PLR / SG), who considered this proposal as a delaying tactic. In its legislative program, voted shortly before, the National Council recalled the need to cover the country with this technology.
The PLR tabled a motion in May for the deployment of 5G to be completed by 2024 in Switzerland. It will likely be fought in the December session, but the outcome of Monday’s vote shows quite clearly which way the wind is blowing. For business circles, Switzerland has already lost too much time in tackling. The Confederation has sold three licenses to Swisscom, Sunrise and Salt, which are impatient to use them fully.
However, at the cantonal or municipal level, the resistance is organized with moratoriums and opposition to building permits, because few people want to live near an antenna. Meanwhile, operators continue to update their facilities with a certain amount of confusion and mistrust. “They have the right to a cellular antenna if they meet the conditions,” defends Simonetta Sommaruga. As a supplier, you also have the right to bring a denial of rights action. ”