5G Brings the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Here’s What It Means for Legal Systems

Source: https://www.law.com/legaltechnews/2020/06/29/5g-is-unleashing-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-heres-what-it-means-for-legal-systems/

The Fourth Industrial Revolution will fuse advanced technologies with high-speed wireless connectivity to blur the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. The ensuing impact on our systems will transform how we produce, manage and govern our world and ourselves.

By Louis Lehot and Ethan Floyd, L2 Counsel | June 29, 2020 at 07:00 AM

5G technology provides wireless communication 10x faster than previous generations, rivaling fiber-optic cable speed, and is the first mobile technology capable of extending broadband wireless services to connected devices. An estimated 25 billion connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices will exist by 2025. The race is on to make 5G commercially available everywhere. When that happens, we will see radical changes in the way we communicate—and live. 

5G promises to supercharge the IoT, autonomous vehicles, augmented reality, smart cities, mission-critical manufacturing, 3D videos, remote healthcare and regenerative medicine. Each of these and other 5G-enabled applications could change the shape of legal, risk, and regulatory environments, and collectively, they will usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Read more at: https://www.law.com/legaltechnews/2020/06/29/5g-is-unleashing-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-heres-what-it-means-for-legal-systems/

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