Credit for this post: My Street, My Choice!
(The website contains useful tips for South Africans regarding small cell and cell tower placements in their communities.)
Information and links to help residents fight the unconstitutional onslaught of 4G/5G Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas (CPMRA) being proposed in residential zones, which is already a proven health, safety and liability hazard.
Listen to the first 30 minutes of this 5/27/18 Lost Arts Radio Show that details the strategies that California cities can use to protect the residential character of its residential neighborhoods from the onslaught of 4G/5G CPMRA applications.
The website is published by residents of Petaluma and Santa Rosa, using much of the information gathered by Scientists for Wired Technology, an organization that was instrumental in lobbying for a veto from Gov. Jerry Brown for the heinous Wireless-industry-pushed and ALEC-written “Small Cell” bill, Senate Bill 649 — Wireless Tools of Commerce.