11 Finnish medical doctors have started a petition demanding the halt of 5G technology

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11 Finnish medical doctors have started a petition demanding the halt of 5G technology. They also suggest that the Finnish government starts to prepare for a new radiation legislation based on biological effects and the precautionary principle. The petition is to be sent to the Finnish parlament if a sufficient number of citizens — 50,000 — sign it.

Auto-translated from Finnish:

Content of the initiative

As the signatories of the initiative, we demand that Parliament take appropriate measures to stop the introduction of 5G technology in Finland. In addition, we propose that the current government begin to prepare new radiation legislation that will also protect citizens and nature from the long-term effects of radio frequency radiation from wireless technology. This law would be based on the biological effects observed in studies and the precautionary principle.

In Switzerland, Slovenia, Brussels and many other regions, the deployment of the 5G network has been suspended until adequate health risks have been identified.

Numerous peer-reviewed studies have found that radio frequency radiation from wireless technology has adverse biological and health effects. They have occurred even though the radiation has fallen below the applicable radiation limit values.

With this citizens’ initiative, we call on decision-makers to become thoroughly acquainted with research into the health and environmental effects of radiation caused by wireless technology. The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority and the current radiation legislation are based on a scientifically outdated paradigm about the effects of radio frequency radiation.


According to statistics, Finland uses the most wireless networks in the world. The prevalence of wireless technology has led to an exponential increase in radiation power densities in recent decades. High-power base station radiation from previous mobile network technologies (2G, 3G, 4G) has been linked in studies to health problems such as insomnia, headaches, stress, and an increased risk of cancer. However, these perceived disadvantages are not taken into account in any way in decision-making.

Finnish telecom operators plan to build a 5G technology network operating at higher frequencies (26 GHz) in 2020, in addition to the existing frequencies under construction (3.5 GHz and 700 MHz). In practice, this would mean that there would no longer be places in cities and residential areas where there would be no exposure to pulsed radiation from these networks.

When building wireless networks, telecom operators can, if they wish, install transmitter masts in residential areas without the consent of the residents. In this way, citizens have no opportunity to influence the number or location of transmitter antennas and the location is not public information.

5G technology has not been pre-studied for its biological and health effects and its safety has not been sufficiently demonstrated. This is the case, for example, with the French Health Authority (ANSES). A recent report by the European Parliament highlights the need for multidisciplinary research before the introduction of the 5G network. In its statements, the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority has also indicated that more research is needed into the health effects of 5G technology. With the introduction of the 5G network, we would be able to get faster mobile network connections, but we think the risks are far too great. Cable connections guarantee non-radiated, fast and reliable access to the Internet. This arrangement is particularly important in schools for the safety of children and young people.

In countries where the authorities are familiar with and take into account biological effects, the radiation limit values ​​have been set at a lower level. This is the case in Switzerland, Italy, Russia, Belgium, China, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Ukraine, Israel and India.

A recent European Parliament report (PE 646.172 – March 2020) states: “Several studies suggest that 5G appears to be harmful to humans, plants, animals, insects and microbes and that 5G technology has not been tested in practice, prudent progress would be wise.” Council of Europe Resolution 1815 (2011) recommends: “All appropriate measures should be taken to reduce the electromagnetic exposure, in particular from mobile phones, and to protect children and adolescents in particular, as they appear to be at greatest risk of developing tumors of the head.”

In the case of pulsed microwave radiation from wireless technology, it would also be appropriate in Finland to proceed prudently and in accordance with the precautionary principle in the implementation of these networks. The precautionary principle is one of the principles of international environmental law, and the European Environment Agency (EEA) also recommends its application to radio frequency radiation.

For the reasons mentioned above, we demand that Parliament take appropriate action to stop the introduction of 5G technology. We propose that the new radiation legislation be based on biological effects and the precautionary principle. The law should also take into account the long-term effects of radio frequency radiation, as the current law only protects radiation from heat lasting for a few minutes. Particular attention must be paid to the effects of radiation on the most vulnerable groups, such as children.


Added note by EMFSA:

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