Prof. Dominique Belpomme, “Diagnosing, treating and preventing Electromagnetic Field impact on adults and children”

Credit for video:

Published on Jan 17, 2018

24th January 2022, Updated note by EMFSA:

The post above is from 2017. Science has developed since then. See the sterling work done by the South African National WHO Project Advisory Committee:

The National Research Foundation (NRF) has taken over the role of WHO IAC country reporting and advisory body. One of the aspects is policy formation through developing and nurturing expertise across disciplines. The benefit of more rigorous and fact-based standards will assist in achieving transparent, effective, and accountable government in South Africa.

Included in the work of the committee: opportunities and resources for Electrohypersensitives and activists:

-Anyone suffering from Electrohypersensitivity can request their physician to contact the committee on their behalf for assistance. In previous years this was not possible, but due to the formation of the committee in 2021 this resource now exists.

-Creating EMF Safety Standards for South Africa via multiple court applications.

3G, 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi etc. :  Past cell towers, current and future applications are all included under this umbrella, as well as energy transmission.

Again, anyone who believes they have been harmed by previous exposures can partake in the process of creating EMF Safety Standards for South Africa.

World Health Organization – International EMF Project – International Advisory Committee (IAC) – 25th anniversary of the International EMF Project and the 10th Optical Radiation meeting, South Africa National Report 2021

Attempts to dismiss/devalue the work of the committee, or to deliberately ignore it, suggest a lack of understanding of its purpose. This has not got the best interests of the South African or global public at heart.

It is up to every country to decide how it addresses the EMF issue. South Africa is now doing exactly that.

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