
Joel M. Moskowitz PhD This presentation summarizes research on the biologic and health effects from radio frequency radiation with a focus on cell phone and cell tower emissions. The implications of this research for the safety of fifth generation cellular technology, 5G, are discussed. The talk was presented via Zoom by Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.,...
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Núñez-Enríquez JC, Correa-Correa V, Flores-Lujano J, et al. Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Childhood B-Lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in a City With High Incidence of Leukemia and Elevated Exposure to ELF Magnetic Fields [published online ahead of print, 2020 Sep 23]. Bioelectromagnetics. 2020;10.1002/bem.22295. doi:10.1002/bem.22295 Abstract It is important to study the relationship between...
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Preparing South African students for a 5G future 4IR technologies include: artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, advanced biotechnology, robotics, the Internet of Things, blockchain, speedy connectivity in the form of 5G and Wi-Fi 6, and 3D printing. 5G is an integral technology that will be necessary for these to fulfil their potential within the 4IR.   Images:...
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Source: Staff Writer 29 September 2020 Gupta-linked companies that were used for kickbacks for state tenders donated R10 million to the ANC shortly before the 2014 elections, News24 reported. What makes this report noteworthy to the IT community is that a large portion of the kickbacks paid to these companies came from Neotel, now known...
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Auto translated from French See the ANFR diagram at the above link. The French National Frequency Agency has published the results of its study on radiation exposure created by mobile telephony (Mobile telephony: wireless phones that connect to phone towers to perform calls). This simulation, which takes into account the evolution of 4G and the arrival of 5G, tends...
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Yang, L., Zhang, C., Chen, Z. et al. Functional and network analyses of human exposure to long-term evolution signal. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020). Abstract: Human exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by wireless communication systems has raised public concerns. There were claims of the potential association of some neurophysiological disorders with the exposure, but the mechanism is yet...
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The way in which a telecommunications company operates and deploys its network has an enormous influence on its energy and carbon emission performance. The challenge 5G will cause an enormous rise in energy consumption and has the potential to be one of the biggest culprits in contributing to adverse environmental impacts through greenhouse gas emissions....
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Source: The body responsible for developing the standards governing 5G technology has signaled that its inability to meet in person is causing a slowdown in developing new technical standards. The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) announced on 21 September that it is expecting a delay in 5G standards of a minimum six months –...
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Source By Siphelele Dludla  JOHANNESBURG – World Wide Worx said on Friday that the telecommunications regulator should look into lowering the price of the 5G frequency spectrum auction so that South Africa could enjoy the best quality internet services. In a study released on Friday, World Wide Worx managing director Arthur Goldstuck said communications...
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Topical Digest Mobile phones and health: Where do we stand? – EN – FRBriefing by Nicole Scholz, March 2019There is a vast body of research on the possibility of a link between mobile phone radiation and health problems, including on the potential risk of cancer. This Briefing provides an overview of the research landscape,...
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