
By: Health Council of the Netherlands The Hague: Health Council of the Netherlands2020, publication no. 2020/16Ae: 1-131 Full text: Health Council of the Netherlands-5G and Health: Conclusions
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Vieira RPO, Nehme PXSA, Marqueze EC, Amaral FG, Cipolla-Neto J, Moreno CRC. High social jetlag is correlated with nocturnal inhibition of melatonin production among night workers. Chronobiol Int. 2021 Apr 13:1-7. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2021.1912072. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33849354. Abstract Night work can lead to social jetlag (SJL), which can be briefly defined as the...
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Nantes : La controversée 5G finalement lancée, sauf près des crèches et des écoles via @20minutesnantes— 20 Minutes Nantes (@20minutesnantes) April 13, 2021 Source: 20 Minutes Nantes France Article by By Julie urbach, Posted on 04/13/21 Auto-translated from French Nantes Métropole had asked operators for a moratorium while it was time to organize a...
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J. C. Lin, “Science, Politics, and Groupthink [Health Matters],” in IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 24-26, May 2021, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2021.3056975. Abstract: Discusses how the COVID-19 health pandemic worldwide was complicated by not only health and medical concerns, but the inclusion of politics, conspiracy theories, and social media. Extract Recently, a privately constituted...
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Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications of Dariusz Leszczynski 5G is testing the limits of trust— Dariusz Leszczynski (@blogBRHP) April 13, 2021 5G & Health with Dariusz Leszczynski In 2020, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) published updated safety guidelines for exposures to radio-frequency radiation (RF-EMF) emitted by wireless communication devices and networks, such...
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[Submitted on 12 Apr 2021] This document provides recommendations to the Government of Canada and the Canadian Space Agency in response to their call for feedback on the future of Canadian space exploration. The report focuses on how the construction and long-term placement of mega-constellations of satellites into Earth orbit will affect astronomy and the...
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Source: By Juan Pedro Tomás on APRIL 12, 2021 German government announces financing for 6G technologies The German government plans to provide up to 700 million euros ($833 million) in financing for research into 6G technologies by 2025. In a release, Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) said it is starting the first German research...
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The mountain is located in Nagarze County in Tibet which is in the vicinity of borders with India and Bhutan— WION (@WIONews) April 13, 2021 China has opened a 5G signal base at the Ganbala radar station in the remote Himalayan region of Tibet which is the world’s highest manually operated radar station at an...
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By Inside GNSS April 12, 2021 China Mobile Suzhou and Huawei have verified 5G indoor positioning capability in metro transport scenarios in Suzhou, China. The verification showed that, even with Pico Remote Radio Units (pRRUs) hidden, a positioning precision of 3 to 5 m can be achieved in 90% of the platform and hall areas. Verificiation...
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Future space-based 5G global network would enable users to switch between satellite and terrestrial networks to eliminate the need for several devices. Source: Apr 13th, 2021 CITY, state – Lockheed Martin and Omnispace are teaming to develop the enabling technologies to deliver 5G connectivity on a global scale. New Atlas reports. Continue reading original article The Military &...
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