
A letter by Dr Andrew Tressider, January 2017 To my Medical Colleagues, GPs, Psychiatrists, Neurologists and others: Electrosensitivity – an Environmental illness, an Authentic Diagnosis, not a Delusional Disorder Summary: Electrosensitivity is the symptomatic sensitivity to Electric or Magnetic Fields of any frequency, including RadioFrequency (RF or Microwave) transmissions. As a symptomatic condition, it is...
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WILL A JUDGE’S FAILURE TO RECUSE SILENCE BERKELEY’S “RIGHT TO KNOW”? The long battle over cell phone consumer labels, with a hidden twist of legal super heroes and questions about a Ninth Circuit Court judge’s failure to recuse herself. A battle over free speech in Berkeley, California has pitted the city of Berkeley against the...
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The take-away message from the Science and Wireless 2016: RF-EMF exposures affect beta-amyloid proteins in brains of transgenic mice. Effect on beta-amyloid protein is caused by non-thermal mechanism. It is still unclear whether observed beneficial effects of RF-EMF in transgenic mice will apply to human AD ICNIRP stubbornly disregards all evidence concerning non-thermal effects of...
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Krakow’s citizens to be trained to measure exposure to EMFs Krakow, Poland leads the world in responsible control of EMFs by John Weigel, posted on WEEP News, 7 January 2017 KRAKOW – The International Forum on Protection from Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution subtitled “Right to Information for Citizens” learned Monday in the 16th Century Krakow Hall...
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Neurosurgeon Dr. Ashish Mehta explains the precautionary steps to be taken while using a cell phone
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Source: When a woman younger than 40 gets breast cancer, researchers swing into action to know why such an uncommon event happened. The commonly accepted scientific thinking for this to occur is when the woman inherited a gene for breast cancer. Another way may possibly be through exposure to radiation energy coming from a...
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By Dr Erica Mallery Blythe. We are currently witnessing the largest change to the Earth’s electromagnetic environment that has ever taken place in human history. Given that basic household electricity, which was the first anthropogenic (man-made) electromagnetic field (EMF), only became prolific during the twentieth century, artificial EMF has barely seen one generation from cradle...
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By Victoria L. Dunckley M.D. Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are uniquely vulnerable to various brain-related impacts of screen time. These electronic “side effects” include hyperarousal and dysregulation—what I call Electronic Screen Syndrome—as well as technology addiction, to video games, internet, smartphones, social media, and so on. Why? Because a brain with autism has...
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Electrosensitivity: “A disability that cannot be dismissed” by Hugo Jalinière, Sciences et Avenir, 27 August 2015 (translated by the Editor of “Towards Better Health”) “Sciences et Avenir” interviewed Dr. Pierre Biboulet, the medical expert appointed by the Court of Toulouse which for the first time in France accorded an adult with disabilities allowance for reasons...
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