
1. Mobile phone use and risk of brain tumours: a systematic review of association between study quality, source of funding, and research outcomes. Prasad M, Kathuria P, Nair P, Kumar A, Prasad K. Neurol Sci. 2017 Feb 17. doi: 10.1007/s10072-017-2850-8. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28213724 2.Mobile phone use and risk for intracranial tumors...
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First State In The Nation: Maryland State Advisory Council Recommends Reducing School WiFi Children’s environmental health experts respond to new US study linking wireless radiation to cancer after the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends reducing cell phone exposures. After reviewing new and growing evidence on health risks of wireless radiation, the Maryland State Children’s Environmental...
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Published on Feb 26, 2017 Julie Watts follows up on investigation into the state Department of Public Health not releasing documentation on cell phone radiation (2-26-2017)
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WHO EMF Project, under the ICNIRP’s “supervision”, is preparing the Environmental Health Criteria for radio-frequency modulated electromagnetic fields (EHC RF-EMF). This document will evaluate all possible health risks from the radio-frequency modulated electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted by the wireless communication devices. The EHC RF-EMF is delayed for some 10 years now. As I wrote on...
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Potential Risks to Human Health from Future Sub-MM Communication Systems: Paul Ben-Ishai, PhD. This is from the 2017 Expert Forum on Wireless and Health. All presentations from this conference are available at Environmental Health Trust
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This is one of two lectures by Devra Davis at the 2017 Expert Forum on Wireless and Health. All presentations from this conference are available at Environmental Health Trust
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A document by Olga Sheean regarding the special interests behind WHO’s wireless safety standards. Excerpt from pdf: Lentegeur Cape Town South Africa Broken-hearted My name is Amanda Collins and I live with my 12-year-old daughter Skyla [pictured in the pdf] in Lentegeur —a suburb on the outskirts of Cape Town. Aged four, Skyla was diagnosed...
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WHO Media Centre Cancer Fact sheet Updated February 2017 The WHO has listed “non-ionizing radiation” as a cancer risk factor to “modify or avoid” in its Cancer fact sheet
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(Image source Source: Frank de Vocht, “Corrigendum,” Environment International, posted January 25, 2017)(GBM is a type of glioma, so the right-hand plot would be better titled “Malignant Glioma other than GBM”) GBM Going Up, Other Malignant Glioma Going Down January 31, 2017 The incidence of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most virulent and deadly type of...
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Mobile phone radiation, an underestimated disease factor, 18 January 2017 (translated from German by Google with grammatical corrections) Lecture given by Peter Schlegel dipl. Ing. ETH at the special event “Electrosmog and its effects on the body” organized by the Swiss medical association SSAAMP on October 13, 2016 in Zurich. Participants were around 100...
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