
26 November 2021 Source: Pretoria – The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA/the Authority) has concluded its analysis of applications for provisional assignment of radio frequency spectrum under the new ICT COVID-19 National State of Disaster Regulations, 2021, and resolved to grant licences to six (6) electronic communications network operators. The licences are valid...
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Presented by: The video is available to our members at:
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Stam R. Occupational exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Ind Health. 2021 Nov 16. doi: 10.2486/indhealth.2021-0129. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34789598. Abstract High exposures to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMF) are possible in workplaces involving sources used for broadcasting, telecommunication, security and identification, remote sensing and the heating and drying of goods. A systematic literature...
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Source: Airlines for America SmartBrief 2021-11-22 The Canadian government has limited use of 5G communications at certain frequencies around airports due to concern that the frequencies could interfere with aircraft altimeters. The US government is currently considering what steps are needed to mitigate that possibility after temporarily halting a similar expansion of 5G usage in...
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Deadline Approaching: Special Issue “Occupational and General Public Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields” Guest Editors: Dr. Valentina Hartwig and Dr. Giuseppe Acri 6 papers has been published Deadline: 1 January 2022 See this special issue at:
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22.11.2021 According to the Times of Israel, Israel’s National Insurance Institute is now to recognize fibromyalgia as a disability. The rights are extended to sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a related condition. Sources:
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Format: Book Describes the scientific and cultural value of the sky Illustrates the environmental damage of excess light Explains the relationship between astronomy and space technology Introduction This book takes a close look at our relationship with the sky, the stars, light and darkness. In particular, it examines how light pollution has interfered with the...
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Syposz, M., Padget, O., Willis, J. et al. Avoidance of different durations, colours and intensities of artificial light by adult seabirds. Sci Rep 11, 18941 (2021). Abstract There is increasing evidence for impacts of light pollution on the physiology and behaviour of wild animals. Nocturnally active Procellariiform seabirds are often found grounded in areas polluted by light and struggle...
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Topic: Creating an EMF Protection Standard for South Africa. As part of this process 3 court applications have already been filed, more to come. Applicable to existing, past and future cell tower applications, including aspects like street lights etc., as the EMF Protection Standard involves multiple fronts. The information shared will also be useful for...
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