
Translated from Italian. Original article: Excerpts: June 26, 2018 Bologna The City Council approved an agenda citing scientific studies that highlight the health dangers of cell phones. The municipality of Bologna asked telephone companies to inform the public about health risks related to the use of the mobile phone. The Municipal Council yesterday unanimously...
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Public Consultation The draft of the ICNIRP Guidelines on Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz) is now ready for public consultation. The draft is comprised of the main guidelines document, and two appendices. As part of the development of the guidelines, ICNIRP has regularly given draft guidelines presentations to...
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Alerte Phonegate started this petition to Ms. Elżbieta Bieńkowska and 4 others Sign the petition here: Dear Friend, The Phonegate Alert team has just written to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, Mr. Nicholas Hulot, the Minister for Solidarity and Health, Mrs. Agnès Buzyn, and the Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr....
Read More Open Letter Planet Earth: Worldwide 5G Radiation from Orbit? Dear Director Musk, Even in Europe the news has reached us that you want to have thousands of satellites placed into space so that 5G-mobile communications can be present everywhere on earth (https://www.golem. de/news/spacex-elon-musk-will-11-943-satelliten-fuer-das-internet-1703-126545.html; This is very good endeavor seen from a purely technological...
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9th July 2018 Karl Muller, born in Johannesburg in 1957, his family went into political exile in the Kingdom of Eswatini (Swaziland) in 1962. He went on to be a physics and mathematics lecturer at Witwatersrand University, South Africa. He also worked as an educational research at the University of Western Cape. Then worked as...
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Via Reti-Care – Spain’s high court gives the reason of a work-related accident for an employee while working as an administrative at a Social Security office in Spain. The decision was established by the Supreme Court in Spain, after studying the case of a Social Security administrative, who suffered a retinal detachment suddenly, while she...
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Credit for this post: EM Radiation Research Trust Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2018. Vol. 63. No. 3. P. 28-33 DOI: 10.12737/article_5b168a752d92b1.01176625 From Electromagnetic Smog to Electromagnetic Chaos -To Evaluating the Hazards of Mobile Communication for Health of the Population Yu.G. Grigoriev Yuri-Grigoriev-abstract-From-Electromagnetic-Smog-to-Electromagnetic-Chaos A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia. Yu.G. Grigoriev – Leading Researcher,...
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Dr Sarah Starkey: Technology and Education: How safe are our children? Thirteenth Annual ATL Lecture – 24th May 2018, Stormont Hotel, Belfast  NEU_WiFi_in_Schools (1) Dr Sarah Starkey has been studying the scientific evidence for possible biological effects of wireless technologies for the past eleven years. Her background is in Neuroscience research, with a Master’s degree in Neuropharmacology from...
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Re – posted from   Whether your phone is on this list or not (only some mobile phones have been tested by ANFR), the solution to protect yourself and your children and/or your grandchildren, is simple and effective: keep your mobile phone away from your body! (note by EMFSA: and head!) For the list see...
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Source: Technologies which emit radiofrequency signals are commonly used in schools and other workplaces. Concerns have been expressed by scientists and doctors about the possible harmful effects which the signals may be having on our health, based on scientific evidence. Of particular concern are the possible effects on foetal development and on children and...
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