
Source: Lancet April 17, 2019 DOI: Excerpt: An Advisory Group of 29 scientists from 18 countries met in March, 2019, to recommend priorities for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs programme during 2020–24. IARC periodically convenes such advisory groups to ensure that the Monographs evaluations reflect the current state of scientific evidence relevant to...
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12th April 2019: President Donald Trump said the U.S. will cut regulations and free up spectrum for 5G technology amid tight competition with China and other nations to develop the next generation of telecommunications infrastructure.  The airwaves to be sold are in frequency bands known as the upper 37 GHz, or gigahertz, the 39 GHz and...
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Source: Between A Rock And A Hard Place – A Science Blog By Dariusz Leszczynski Excerpts: On April 11, 2019, the Editorial Team at the International Electrotechnical Commission has published a blog post: “New IEC Technical Report helps stakeholders evaluate human exposure to 5G base stations”. This report is to provide assurances of quality and safety of...
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Thursday 11 April 2019 | 16:08 CET | News Source:–1288622 The Canton of Geneva has introduced a preliminary ban on the construction of 5G antennae, reported The cantonal parliament first requires investigations into possible health implications. The decision on the moratorium came in at 58 votes against 28. The prohibition will only be lifted again...
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Source: My Broadband Excerpts: MTN South Africa has launched a live 5G indoor solution at Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit and International Convention Centre. This is the first time that MTN has deployed a trial 5G network as an indoor business solution, and the company stated that commercial-grade 5G network equipment and devices were used in...
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Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research Volume 781, July–September 2019, Pages 53-62 Dimitris J.Panagopoulosabc Abstract The number of studies showing adverse effects on living organisms induced by different types of man-made Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) has increased tremendously. Hundreds of peer reviewed published studies show a variety of effects, the most important being DNA damage which is linked to...
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Source: Lennart Hardell’s blog Posted on April 8, 2019 It is written that as the highest local health authority, Mayor Dario Nardella is officially committed “to elaborate an overall plan, in agreement with the competent authorities, for the installations of the 5G technology before issuing individual authorizations in view of the application of the Precautionary...
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Credit for this post: Excerpts: The unified SAR measurement standard IEC/IEEE 62209-1528 made another significant step towards publication last week at IEEE headquarters in Piscataway, New Jersey. The document is now heading to the FDIS (Final Draft International Standard) stage at IEC. Publication as a dual-logo standard is expected in the second half of...
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Credit for this post: AD News, Article by Peter Winterman 04-04-19, 07:49 Kamer wil eerst stralingsonderzoek, dan pas 5G-netwerk Chamber wants radiation research first, then 5G network. The Lower House is concerned about the health risks of radiation from the new 5G network. Political parties want to know as a matter of urgency what the dangers are...
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REFERENCE:  BLACKMAN, C., FORGE, S., 5G Deployment: State of Play in Europe, USA and Asia, Study for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 2019. Excerpt:
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