
According to MyBroadband (5 November 2019), David Chen, VP of Huawei’s Southern African Region, said that South Africa’s current site approval systems might not be able to cope with the expected large volumes of 5G site applications. For this reason, Chen believes that the site application process will need to be automated, and this needs...
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[Article in Italian] Epidemiol Prev. 2019 Sep-Dec;43(5-6):374-379. doi: 10.19191/EP19.5-6.P374.107. Abstract This paper aims to present useful elements for framing the issue of exposure to radio frequencies (RFs), in particular those related to telecommunications, and the possible effects on health also in the light of the rapid evolution of technologies (the advent of 5G). New developments in...
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Crit Rev Biomed Eng. 2019;47(4):323-347. doi: 10.1615/CritRevBiomedEng.2019030211 Abstract Previous studies suggest that extremely low-frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) may impact human health. However, epidemiologic studies have provided inconsistent results on the association between exposure to ELF EMFs and various health outcomes. This scoping review reports on primary investigations that were published during the ten-year...
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Chronobiol Int. 2019 Nov 4:1-8. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2019.1683857. [Epub ahead of print] Abstract Chromogranin A (CgA), which is a major protein in adrenal chromaffin cells and adrenergic neurons, is a clinically relevant endocrine and neuroendocrine tumor marker including pheochromocytomas, neuroblastomas, and related neurogenic tumors. In this study, we looked at the effect in humans of chronic daily...
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Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2019 Nov 4;188:109786. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.109786. [Epub ahead of print] Abstract In the last few decades, tremendous increase in the use of wireless electronic gadgets, particularly the cell phones, has significantly enhanced the levels of electromagnetic field radiations (EMF-r) in the environment. Therefore, it is pertinent to study the effect of these radiations on...
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November 6, 20195:00 PM ET PAOLO ZIALCITA Chinese officials are cracking down on youth online gaming, which they say negatively affects the health and learning of minors. Official guidelines released Tuesday outline a new curfew and time restrictions for gamers under 18. Six measures were outlined in the guidelines, aimed at preventing minors “from indulging in...
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Source: Original article in French. 4 Nov 19 at 17:21 Excerpts: Farmers are accusing electromagnetic radiation of high voltage lines, wind turbines or relay antennas killing their animals. Hundreds of cows die , give no more milk, develop signs of dementia and no longer resist disease. Calves born with malformations . Rabbits that die by the thousands. Pigs who refuse...
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We find our speakers through a combination of literature reviews and calls with experts and community leaders. This year, we wanted to share the fruits of that research. Sources written by or featuring our speakers are listed first and are followed by other sources in alphabetical order. General Historical Background: In Our Times, “The Poor Laws,”...
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Bloomberg Markets and Finance Nov.05 — FCC Chairman Ajit Pai discusses security concerns surrounding Chinese network vendors, the potential merger of T-Mobile US Inc. and Sprint Corp, and political advertising on social media. He speaks with Bloomberg’s Shery Ahn on “Bloomberg Markets.”
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Author Chris Teale@chris_teale Published Nov. 6, 2019 Dive Brief: During a speech at the DC5G conference, Sara Neff, senior vice president for sustainability at the Kilroy Realty Corporation, outlined two environmental scenarios that could come in the wake of 5G: “5Genia” or “5G-rbage”. In her “5Genia” scenario, Neff said 5G technology could enable all manner of new innovations...
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