
Source: By Karen Kotze Jul 30, 2020 A government draft policy, if passed, will allow mobile networks to build 5G electronic communication infrastructure on your property without compensation. The draft submitted by Department of Communication and Digital Technologies Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams appears in Gazette No. 43537 dated Wednesday July 22. It says property owners could be...
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Source: By Siboniso Mngadi, Jun 14, 2020 Durban – Merewent residents have accused telecommunications company Atlas Towers Group of targeting “impoverished” communities by choosing to place a cell mast in their neighbourhood. The company erects radio masts to improve wireless connectivity for mobile network operators. However, some Merewent residents say they believe the masts...
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Will it be a balanced view? Or will conspiracy theories (that EMFSA so often has warned against ) be used as an excuse to diminish genuine concerns? The truth about 5G, reported by Sean Nicholls, goes to air on Monday 3rd August 2020 at 8.30pm. It is replayed on Tuesday 4th August at 10.00am and Wednesday 5th at...
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Journal of Occupational HealthVolume 62, Issue 1 Majid Bagheri Hosseinabadi, Narges Khanjani, Mohammad Hossein Ebrahimi, Seyed Habib Mousavi, Fereshteh Nazarkhani First published: 25 July 2020 Abstract Objectives This study was designed to investigate the possible effect of exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF‐EMFs) on occupational burnout syndrome and the severity of depression...
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Image: 07/23/2020 The National Frequency Agency (ANFR) manages all radio frequencies in France.  A mobile operator recently sent ANFR a request for intervention with interference affecting its 3G services in the 900 MHz band in the town of Saint-Ambroix in the Gard. A relay antenna was disturbed. The only clue: it was on the grounds of...
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ObesityVolume 28, Issue S1 Review First published: 23 July 2020 Giulia Fleury, Anayanci Masís‐Vargas, Andries Kalsbeek Abstract Lately, the incidence of overweight, obesity, and type 2 diabetes has shown a staggering increase. To prevent and treat these conditions, one must look at their etiology. As life on earth has evolved under the conditions of...
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Chukuka Samuel Enwemeka, Violet Vakunseh Bumah, Daniela Santos Masson-Meyers,Light as a potential treatment for pandemic coronavirus infections: A perspective,Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Volume 207, 2020, 111891,ISSN 1011-1344, Abstract The recent outbreak of COVID-19, which continues to ravage communities with high death tolls and untold psychosocial and catastrophic economic consequences, is a vivid...
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Our EMFSA July 2020 Newsletter is available at: “For the Safer Use of Technology”
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5G and health Ongoing activity – The House of Representatives sent a request for advice to the Health Council to issue advice on possible health risks in relation to 5G based on current scientific insights. The influence of electromagnetic fields and radiation on health is of great interest, among other things due to the advance of...
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Source:,the%20entire%206%20GHz%20band.&text=Electric%20utilities%2D%2Dand%20broadcast,from%20unlicensed%20broadband%20access%20devices. By JOHN EGGERTON The Utilities Technology Council has joined broadcasters in suing the FCC over its decision to allow unlicensed use in the entire 6 GHz band.  “The Federal Communications Commission acted unlawfully and against the public interest when it permitted a host of new users into a vital spectrum band that will...
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