
He hopes low-Earth orbits will help him succeed where so many others have failed. Bloomberg Businessweek September 17, 2020 By Thomas Pfeiffer and Thomas Seal Every few years, someone comes along promising to disrupt the satellite industry. They burn through billions in cash before ambition crashes back down to Earth. Since the late 1990s, Globalstar, Iridium, Leosat, Skybridge, Teledesic,...
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Bloomberg News Helene Fouquet and Ania Nussbaum Sep 18, 2020 (Bloomberg) — A quarrel has emerged inside France’s biggest phone company over whether to build a new generation of wireless networks, days before the industry is due to commit billions of euros to their deployment in the country. A group of employees of Orange SA...
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Radiation from mobile phones could have contributed to the dramatic decline in insect populations seen in much of Europe in recent years, a German study showed Thursday. On top of pesticides and habitat loss, increased exposure to electromagnetic radiation is “probably having a negative impact on the insect world”, according to the study presented in Stuttgart, which is yet...
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French officials insisted Wednesday that there was no reason to halt the country’s rollout of next-generation 5G mobile telecom networks, following a barrage of criticism from environmental and left-wing lawmakers citing potential health risks. The debate flared after some 70 lawmakers signed an open letter last weekend urging a moratorium on new 5G antennas, ahead...
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Athira Nortajuddin 15 September 2020 Extract, to read the full article please see: Plunged Demand According to a recent report by GfK, in January to July 2020, the smartphone market value in the Asia-Pacific region declined by 20 percent to just over US$119 billion – almost US$30 billion less than the same period last...
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September 15, 2020By BBC Wires HICKORY, NC — Fifth-generation wireless (5G) is the next major phase of mobile communications. 5G is set to deliver higher data transfer rates for mission-critical communications and will allow massive broadband capacities, enabling high-speed communication across various applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, advanced analytics and artificial intelligence. According...
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 David Rose, University of Reading and Charlotte-Anne Chivers, University of Gloucestershire Depending on who you listen to, artificial intelligence may either free us from monotonous labour and unleash huge productivity gains, or create a dystopia of mass unemployment and automated oppression. In the case of farming, some researchers, business people and politicians think the effects...
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Spatial disorientation among US air force pilots has been linked to 72 severe accidents, 1993-2013, with 101 deaths and 65 lost aircraft. Now DARPA wants to know whether RF in combat cockpits may be at least partly to blame. New project is called ICEMAN. Source: September 15, 2020 Spatial disorientation among U.S. Air Force...
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Source: Auto translation from French The refusal by the National Council of a motion requesting immediate monitoring of the health effects is symptomatic of operators’ impatience. But the unease runs deeper. by Eric Felley By 102 votes to 75, the National Council swept aside a motion from the Health Commission on Monday evening which wanted...
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Text by: RFI France’s Economy Minister has called for 5G mobile phone services to be rolled out as soon as possible, saying any delay would disadvantage the French market. His comments angered dozens of MPs, who have signed a petition calling for a moratorium on the technology until studies are carried out into the effects...
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