Podcast – The Big Tech Show: The 5G health scare is it real?

Adrian Weckler looks at 5G not from the point of view of speed or connectivity but health.  It’s been an issue bubbling under, in rural areas especially, as to whether mobile phone radiation is safe.

The regulators say it is but there are some campaigners who don’t believe that is so. Are they mere conspiracy theorists or is there more to it?

Adrian spoke to Tom Butler, Prof of Business Information Systems at UCC, who believes in the dangers, and Prof Kevin Curran from the School of Computing at Ulster University, who believes that if the dangers were as bad as people were claiming it wouldn’t have gone unnoticed.

Podcast: https://www.independent.ie/business/technology/news/the-big-tech-show-the-5g-health-scare-is-it-real-38494965.html

Note added by EMFSA:

Professor Tom Butler: On the Clear Evidence of the Risks to Children from Smartphone and WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation


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