Auto translated from, French, original article



The French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) published a preliminary analysis of more than 3000 measurements of public exposure to radiofrequency radiation carried out in 2020 and 2021. 

All the frequency bands currently used in 5G have been studied. The results show that the exposure is comparable before and a few months after the introduction of 5G. As a reminder, the  700 MHz and 2100 MHz bands have already been used for many years by 3G and 4G. The new 3.5 GHz frequency band was the subject of authorizations for use by ARCEP on November 12, 2020. 

Regarding the 700MHz and 2100 MHz bands, the first results show that the public’s exposure to radiofrequency radiation remains stable. despite their adaptation to 5G. 

Regarding the 3.5 GHz band, the first results show that the exposure increases very slightly, the additional contribution of this new band being able to be evaluated at 0.11 V / m, which is low compared to the limit. regulatory, set at 61 V / m for this band.  This frequency band reserved for 5G has the particularity of being equipped with new steerable beam antennas which direct their exposure to 5G users located in their vicinity. In the current state of 5G deployment, few users use the network and exposure is therefore reduced. The ANFR will therefore continue its analysis in order to monitor changes in exposure as a function of the increase in traffic.

Initial results from artificially generated traffic  show an average increase of 16% in exposure. These results suggest a long-term increase of around 20% in overall exposure in areas where the 3.5 GHz band will be deployed, to be compared with the 50% additional capacity that this new band provides for mobile networks.

Read the complete article at

Preliminary Study Report

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