Electrosensitivity: “A Disability that Cannot be Dismissed”

Electrosensitivity: “A disability that cannot be dismissed”
by Hugo Jalinière, Sciences et Avenir,
27 August 2015 (translated by the Editor of “Towards Better Health”)

“Sciences et Avenir” interviewed Dr. Pierre Biboulet, the medical expert appointed by the Court of Toulouse which for the first time in France accorded an adult with disabilities allowance for reasons of hyper-electrosensitivity.

A judgement rendered by the Incapacity Dispute Court of Toulouse (TCI) accorded for the first time in France an adult with disabilities allowance to a woman, Marine Richard, attributing her disability to hyper-electrosensitivity. She says she suffers very strong headaches and cardiac arrhythmia after several hours’ exposure to electromagnetic waves. The decision of the TCI could thus be a landmark since, scientifically, there is still no consensus on the reality of a medical condition induced by magnetic fields. In order to learn the motivations which led to this decision, “Sciences et Avenir” interviewed the medical expert appointed by the TCI of Toulouse, Dr. Pierre Biboulet.

Sciences et Avenir: How did you set about making your evaluation?

Dr. Pierre Biboulet: I acted like a doctor. I adopted a humane approach, not to say humanistic. I went to meet Marine Richard in the mountains of Ariège in a white zone, and I listened to her at length. We remained three hours together and she convinced me she was sick. It is impossible to dismiss her illness. It is also evident that she cannot live in the current social environment. As an expert, I sought to be objective, realistic, and humanistic. See link for more: Towards Better Health http://mieuxprevenir.blogspot.co.za/2017/01/electrosensitivity-disability-that.html

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