Shock announcement for cellular networks — bad news for mobile data users in South Africa

Source: My Broadband

South Africa faces a form of “digital load-shedding” if the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) follows through on its plan to take back temporary radio frequency spectrum on 30 November.

This was the stark warning from MTN SA’s executive for corporate affairs, Jacqui O’Sullivan.

“Since the start of the pandemic, the amount of data traffic that MTN has needed to carry for its customers has more than doubled,” O’Sullivan said.

“Removing the temporary spectrum, when the pandemic remains a reality for all South Africans and before Icasa completes the spectrum auction, will have a significant impact on data supply to South Africans.”


The withdrawal of the temporary spectrum allocation without Icasa finalising its spectrum auction would significantly impact MTN’s national 5G rollout.

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