Roy K, Maji D, Deb I. Increase of Cry 1 expression is a common phenomenon of the disturbed circadian clock in ischemic stroke and opioid addiction. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021 Apr 21;558:8-13. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.04.053. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33894675.
Increasing evidences suggest the involvement of disrupted circadian clock in various pathologies including stroke and substance abuse. Here we took an attempt to do a comparative study on the regulation of circadian clock gene expression under two pathological circumstances – Opioid addiction and Ischemic stroke in the same cell line model (human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells). To mimic in vivo ischemic stroke condition cells were placed in a hypoxia chamber and incubated for 10 h in balanced salt solution lacking glucose, aerated with an anaerobic gas mixture (95% N2 and 5% C02). For opioid addiction cells were treated with morphine sulphate at 10 μM dose for 48 h. We found that although circadian clock gets disturbed in both states, pattern of alteration of clock gene expressions were different and change was more severe in ischemic stroke than addiction. Interestingly, increase in expression of Cry1 showed as a common factor to both the diseases. This paper also emphasizes the interconnection between the severities of neuronal injury induced by ischemic stroke or opioid abuse to circadian system. Finally, this study will further enrich our knowledge towards the pattern of circadian rhythm disturbances under different pathological states.
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