Police boss calls for smart motorways to be scrapped after another serious crash in Yorkshire

Source:  https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/police-boss-calls-smart-motorways-be-scrapped-after-another-serious-crash-yorkshire-3136968

A Yorkshire smart motorway which has featured in two recent inquests should be scrapped following another serious crash in which a person had to be airlifted to hospital, a police boss has said.

By Lucy Leeson Tuesday, 16th February 2021, 5:06 pm

Updated Tuesday, 16th February 2021, 5:10 pm

The occupant of a stationary car in a live lane on the M1 had to be rushed to hospital with serious injuries after a lorry collided with the vehicle last Friday afternoon.

South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings has repeatedly criticised the smart motorway on the M1 which has no hard shoulder on that stretch, labelling it “inherently dangerous”.

Dr Billings said: “I said that as long as it remained in place it was a constant danger to anyone unfortunate enough either to break down in it or to be travelling along it when another vehicle had broken down.

“Since then we have had two coroners raise serious concerns about the smart motorway in South Yorkshire and I have written to the Secretary of State for Transport expressing my grave concerns.”

Read more at https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/police-boss-calls-smart-motorways-be-scrapped-after-another-serious-crash-yorkshire-3136968

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