France: 5G Moratorium Fontenay-sous-Bois Dec 1, 2020

Auto-translated from French

5G Stopped

The deployment of 5G relay antennas in the territory of Fontenay-sous-Bois is suspended until the publication of the ANSES report on “Deployment of 5G communication technology and associated health effects” and until ‘a prior environmental assessment is carried out.

5G: prior environmental assessment is not optional

On September 30, a call for a moratorium on the establishment of infrastructure and equipment relating to the implementation of 5G on the municipal territory was voted for by the majority of the City Council.

Robin des Toits

Many municipalities are currently asking for moratoria against the deployment of 5G on their territory.
This is an approach that is to the credit of the mayor and municipal councilors.
But most often these are wishes or motions that have more symbolic than legal value.

This is why we welcome the initiative of the municipality of Fontenay-sous-Bois (94 – Val de Marne) which has gone further, since its moratorium request of December 1, 2020 is also a decree that only an Administrative Tribunal can suspend or abrogate, after appeal or litigation.

Val de Marne. Fontenay-sous-Bois says no to 5G

By David Leduc, Published on 1 Jan 21

The mayor of Fontenay-sous-Bois, Jean-Philippe Gautrais (FG), signed an order suspending the deployment of 5G in his municipality. 

5G is not welcome in Fontenay-sous-Bois ( Val-de-Marne ). The City has decided to systematically refuse all requests for the installation of 5G antennas in its territory. The City puts forward the doubt about the health consequences to explain the decision.

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