How Prepared Is Transit for a Cyber Attack?

Source: Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) research

MTI research finds only 60% of transit agencies have a cybersecurity preparedness plan, leaving them ill prepared for a cyber attack.

October 6, 2020 | San José, CA

New Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) research assesses the readiness of agencies to understand, mitigate, and respond to the growing threat of cybersecurity. Is the Transit Industry Prepared for the Cyber Revolution? Policy Recommendation to Enhance Surface Transit Cyber Preparedness surveyed 90 transit agency technology leaders and found over 80% of agencies reported feeling prepared for a cybersecurity threat, yet only 60% have a cybersecurity program in place.

Despite the U.S. Department of Homeland Security designating the Transportation System Sector as one of 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose disruption would have a debilitating effect on our nation’s security, the report found that most transit agencies, which fall within this sector, do not have many of the basic policies or personnel in place to respond to a cyber incident.

Other key findings include:

  • While 73% of respondents feel they have access to information to help implement a cybersecurity preparedness program, only 60% have a cybersecurity response plan in place and 43% do not find their plan sufficient;
  • 47% of agencies reported auditing their cybersecurity program at least once a year;
  • Over 50% of agencies do not keep a log for longer than a year– one of the most basic cybersecurity preparedness requirements;
  • 36% do not have a cyber disaster recovery plan; and
  • 67% do not have a cyber crisis communications plan.

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