Rakuten, Telefonica Deutschland on Jio 5G: Difficult to build everything on own; partner approach must for telcos

Danish Khan ETTelecom September 20, 2020, 10:25 IST

NEW DELHI: Japan’s Rakuten Mobile and Germany’s Telefonica Deutschland said that telecom operators shouldn’t really look at developing everything on their own rather bring in partners to develop technologies and solutions.

Rakuten Mobile chief technology officer Tareq Amin said that it is impossible to develop everything internally or have skill sets that cover everything end-to-end.

“Telefonica developed the entire prepaid in house…unless it is adopted globally, unless you have a scale, you can’t sustain over a longer period. My belief is any solution should be at least regional, at least global, if not universal across the world,” he said in a fireside session at the event.

Read more at: https://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/rakuten-telefonica-deutschland-on-jio-5g-difficult-to-build-everything-on-own-partner-approach-must-for-telcos/78213631

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