Leszczynski: There is something utterly wrong with the ICNIRP membership

Posted on September 8, 2020

Source: https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2020/09/08/leszczynski-there-is-something-utterly-wrong-with-the-icnirp-membership/


… this blog is long so, please be patient and read to the end

Yesterday, I have written, yet again and as for the last nearly 20 years, that ICNIRP is a private club. Its new members are selected by the current members. There are no published criteria for the selection of new members. Nobody checks whether the selected experts are sufficiently good experts.

There is no responsibility, before nobody, for what and how ICNIRP does.

What if time will show that ICNIRP review of science was incorrect? Nothing, at least to ICNIRP members… but it could be a big problem for the telecom industry and us, the users.

On the contrary to claims by ICNIRP and by telecoms, it is difficult to believe that the telecoms do not influence who will be elected to ICNIRP Main Commission and don’t influence how the scientific evidence is interpreted by ICNIRP.

It is logically certain that some kind of lobbying happens.

Thinking otherwise is illogical. Just imagine the multi-billion-worth telecom industry to meekly wait for what ICNIRP does. It would be completely irresponsible for the telecom bosses. They need to be certain that ICNIRP guidelines are designed as necessary to continue business as usual.

With the “new” guidelines, ICNIRP gave carte blanche to the telecom industry.

Read more at: https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2020/09/08/leszczynski-there-is-something-utterly-wrong-with-the-icnirp-membership/

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