More Ambitious ABMS Demo Uses 5G: Roper

“ABMS is about taking the concept of the OODA Loop and transcending it from something that people do to something that machines do,” says Will Roper, AF acquisition czar.

By THERESA HITCHENS on August 25, 2020

WASHINGTON: The next demonstration of the Air Force’s top-priority Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) will be much larger in scale and scope than its predecessor, involving 33 different platforms, 70 industry teams and 65 government teams, says Air Force acquisition czar Will Roper.

Roper also told a YouTube “Ask Me Anything” session today that the demo will include experiments with 5G mobile networking for the first time.

“So, 5G is going to be one of the cool things that we bring to the battlefield in the next OnRamp. 5G is going to be evolving — China’s pushing standards, (but) US industry wants to push back with things that we believe are going to be more secure,” he said.

The “On Ramp” demonstration, being held from Aug. 31 to Sept. 5, is the second iteration in the Air Force’s effort to develop a family of systems — as Roper says a “military Internet of Things” — to allow machine-speed command and control (C2) of future all-domain operations.

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