Locking down 5G


Just as 5G wireless technology promises to be a significant technological and societal disruptor, it also opens the potential for new cybersecurity challenges, a new report states.

Although “proposed 5G architectures are designed to close security gaps from previous iterations of cellular networks … the pervasive nature of 5G introduces new security challenges,” according to “Security Considerations for the 5G Era,” a whitepaper that 5G Americas, a wireless industry trade association, released July 22.

The new technology differs from previous generations. Earlier versions of wireless service were designed to connect people mainly via voice and text, and LTE, or 4G, was designed for connections through the internet. Now, 5G builds on those. It features a disaggregated architecture in which network functions are no longer connected to the underlying hardware and takes advantage of  software-defined networking, network function virtualization and the cloud to connect people, services and the internet of things, the paper states.

Read more at: https://gcn.com/articles/2020/08/03/5g-security.aspx

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