Urgent need for EU countries to diversify 5G suppliers, Commission says

Reuters July 24, 2020

EU countries must take urgent action to diversify their 5G suppliers, the European Commission said on Friday, amid U.S. pressure on the bloc to follow Britain and ban China’s Huawei from 5G networks.

By Foo Yun Chee

BRUSSELS: EU countries must take urgent action to diversify their 5G suppliers, the European Commission said on Friday, amid U.S. pressure on the bloc to follow Britain and ban China’s Huawei from 5G networks.

In November last year, the EU agreed to take a tough line on 5G suppliers to reduce cybersecurity risks to next-generation mobile networks, seen as key to boosting economic growth and competitiveness.

The strategy included reducing countries’ and telecoms operators’ dependency on one supplier. World No. 1 telecoms equipment maker Huawei competes with Finland’s Nokia and Sweden’s Ericsson.

“Progress is urgently needed to mitigate the risk of dependency on high-risk suppliers, also with a view to reducing dependencies at (European) Union level,” the EU executive said, reporting on the progress made by the 27 EU countries.

Read more at: https://telecom.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/urgent-need-for-eu-countries-to-diversify-5g-suppliers-commission-says/77146697

More on the topic:

Source: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_123

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