ANFR published the first detailed EMF measurements on 5G pilots in the 3.6 GHz band in France


The results obtained have led the ANFR to propose a new wave exposure measurement indicator

The Agence National des Fréquences (ANFR), published a detailed report on the exposure values measured during several 5G pilot deployments conducted in France. Ofcom released earlier in February 2020, a shorter report on the results of EMF measurements collected close in 10 cities across the UK.

The report is part of a general reflection on the assessment of public exposure to electromagnetic waves from 5G networks. The ANFR said that due to a lack of information or the spread of fake news, it is important to provide objective and transparent information. The first part was a general presentation of 5G from an exposure point of view. This second part covers several representative pilot deployments conducted in France to assess in the field exposure produced by 5G steered beam antennas in the 3.6 GHz band.

Initial measurements covered several antenna configurations (different brands of antenna, different sizes) and different implementations of 5G NR. For example, measurements were made with a different number of synchronisation signal blocks (SSB) or different frame formats. The levels of the measured fields were all well below the regulatory limit value of 61 V/m in the 3.4 -3.8 GHz frequency band.

These measurements were taken in special configurations allowing good control of the measurement conditions. The ANFR said that after the networks have been opened to the operators’ customers, new measurements will make it possible to test more realistic configurations in terms of traffic and to supplement the conclusions of this report.

The regulator ARCEP authorised initial experiments in the 26 GHz band at the end of 2019. ANFR held that 5G would also need to be studied in this new frequency band.

Download the full report here.

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