5G judgement Netherlands: court rules in favour of state to continue rollout

State can continue to auction frequencies for 5G.

The Hague, May 25, 2020

The court in The Hague today ruled that the State can continue auctioning frequencies for the ‘roll-out’ of 5G. The STOP5GNL foundation had claimed in summary proceedings that this would be prohibited by the State. The State should wait until it is established that the use of 5G technology does not pose a threat to public health. This requires further scientific research, the foundation stated.

Read more at:


Interlocutory judgment of 25 May 2020 https://uitspraken.rechtspraak.nl/inziendocument?id=ECLI%3ANL%3ARBDHA%3A2020%3A4461

The judge is of the opinion that the government complies with the rules of European telecom legislation and observes safety. https://www.ad.nl/video/kanalen/nederlands-nieuws~c400/series/snel-nieuws~s911/rechtbank-uitrollen-5g-netwerk-mag-doorgaan~p148449?referrer=https://t.co/mWbXfCUA5x?amp=1

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