Martin Röösli

Röösli and de Vocht

Denis L.Henshaw reponds to Martin Röösli

Steve Weller of ORSAA, Australia, has provided two long and insightful comments concerning to-date and the further perspectives for research on EHS.

Graham Lamburn, Technical Manager at Powerwatch UK, provided an interesting comment on the usefulness and validity of data obtained in psychology provocation studies.

Notes added by EMFSA:

Martin Röösli is Professor of Environmental Epidemiology at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH). Röösli is a member in various national and international commissions on environmental health research including BERENIS, advisory group of COSMOS and the Scientific Council of the IARC. He has published numerous scientific papers, reviews and book chapters. Dr Röösli started to serve the ICNIRP Commission in 2016.

Frank de Vocht is a Reader in Epidemiology and Public Health, and joined the Centre for Public Health, which is part of Population Health Sciences at Bristol Medical School in 2014. blog:

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