A pivotal case in Australia-David and Goliath legal fight continues

There is a new update to this ongoing legal battle between a man trying to save his home in Peachester and the NBN Co.

The appeal has now moved from the Magistrate court to the Supreme Court and a full hearing of the matter will now be scheduled sometime in the middle of the year. There have been a number of legal irregularities in this case that has seen a move of courts. This will be a pivotal case in Australia.

For David to continue his fight he will need financial support.

The NBN tower visible from David Evans’ property (300m away) is emitting microwave energy and causing grievous harm to David and his family. Due to the nature of his occupation (Electrician and a High Voltage Linesman) David has become Electro Hyper Sensitive (EHS). People don’t chose to become EHS because it is a very socially isolating and debilitating condition, as shown in this BBC report: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/stories-51281856/electrosensitivity-i-didn-t-believe-people-had-it-then-it-happened-to-me

Ironically, David moved to this rural location so that he might get some respite from EMF exposure when at home.

Without knowledge or consent, many different communities are being impacted by this form of electromagnetic pollution. Due to these increases, a growing number of people are becoming EHS. The prevalence of this condition is currently estimated to be between 3 to 15 percent of exposed populations. However, personal recognition of the cause, like any allergic reaction, is a slow process as it requires elimination of possible agents.

David is seeking for the courts to establish an injunction on the operation of this tower based on a Peace and Good Behaviour Order. NBN Co. was made aware of his medical condition prior to the construction of this tower but went ahead anyway with the council approval. The tower Development Approval showed that this approval contravened the council own environmental plan for this rural setting, but  they gave approval anyway.

By constructing this tower they have knowingly assaulted him.

Please support David financially. Just make a small donation and maybe give up purchasing a $5 cup of coffee to support him. If  50,000 people all donate $5 each he would have his fighting fund.

You can be part of this historical case. Please buy David that cuppa and please spread the word.

Thank you to all for your continued support.


Victor Leach

(ORSAA database administrator)

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