[Press release] Nokia 3.1 finally pinned by ANFR and its SAR updated

In a press release issued on April 16, 2020, the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) announced that it had pinpointed a new model of Nokia, namely the Nokia 3.1. The trunk Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) measured in November 2019 by the accredited German laboratory CTC Advanced is 2.73 W/kg. This is more than 30% above the european legal limit of 2W/kg.

It is in a few months, the 4th model of the brand presented an exceedance of SAR for its users, after the Nokia 5 and Nokia 3 in April 2019 and the Nokia 6.1(TA-1043) in July 2019.

Pursuant to Article L43 II bis of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code, the ANFR has given formal notice to HMD GLOBAL OY, the company responsible for marketing the device on the market, to reduce the power of its terminal via an update. The SAR value after the update is 1.82 W/kg.

In a press release dated July 2019 entitled “SAR of Nokia smartphones: suspicion of widespread deception“, we already pointed the finger at the Nokia 3.1 and these results prove us right. We had moreover with our lawyer, Mr. Elias Bourran, included the Nokia 3.1 among the models present in the criminal complaint that our association filed in June 2019 before the Prosecutor’s Office of Lyon.

Read more at: https://www.phonegatealert.org/en/press-release-nokia-3-1-finally-pinned-by-anfr-and-its-sar-updated?utm_source=Newsletter+Alerte+phonegate&utm_campaign=d4a179d0cc-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_7_9_2018_7_57_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ddb3deb7bf-d4a179d0cc-151604597&ct=t(Y_COPY_01)

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