5G: French Associations launches an Appeal With Supreme Court

Two French associations announced that they have launched an appeal with the country’s supreme court (Conseil d’Etat) against the government’s green light for roll-out of 5G networks. Environmental group Agir and Priartem, an organisation campaigning on electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), are calling for an official assessment of the ecological impact and health risks associated with 5G, in application of the principle of precaution and EU regulation on consumer protection.

The two NGOs are also inviting the public to sign a new petition demanding a temporary halt to 5G deployments in France.

Read more at the link


More on the topic, article in French:

, by Stan Adkens

5G in France: an appeal against technology has been filed with the Council of State, highlighting a rush launch as well as health, energy and other risks. https://reseau.developpez.com/actu/291824/5G-en-France-un-recours-contre-la-technologie-a-ete-depose-au-Conseil-d-Etat-soulignant-un-lancement-precipite-ainsi-que-des-risques-pour-la-sante-la-consommation-energetique-et-autre/

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