Friday 22 November, 2019
International Treaty Conference Identifies Spectrum to Make Innovative 5G Services a Reality for Consumers and Industry Globally
London: The GSMA today welcomed the international spectrum treaty adopted by the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19), which will unlock the potential for game-changing 5G services around the world. The conference, which has just concluded in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, has identified much-needed spectrum for a broad range of new ultra-high-speed and ultra-low latency consumer, business and government services.
Innovative 5G services that rely on the almost instantaneous delivery of large amounts of data are now possible through the identification of millimetre wave frequencies in the 26 GHz, 40 GHz and 66 GHz ranges. These include virtual and augmented reality applications, remote control of industrial robots, autonomous vehicles, as well as entertainment services, such as downloading 4K movies in seconds.
Read more at the link below: