Re-posted from Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, Nov 18, 2019

Over the past two years, I have heard from many hundreds of people from all over our country who are opposed to the deployment of 5G. They have educated themselves about wireless radiation risks and decided they do not want the Telecom industry to install “small cells” in their communities.

I believe we are seeing the emergence of a grassroots movement in the U.S. much like the nonsmokers’ rights movement. A voluntary association of organizations and individuals, Americans for Responsible Technology, has emerged to play a role like Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights has assumed for the past four decades — to protect the health of Americans from a major source of environmental pollution.

There is no consensus within the scientific community about the safety of 5G as some would like the public to believe. As a result, many scientists and doctors have called for a moratorium on the deployment of this technology.

The following articles debate the potential health risks.

The International EMF Alliance submitted the following letter, “Misconception of 5G,” to Scientific American on November 7, 2019. The authors have not heard from Scientific American whether they will publish it.

This five-page letter rebuts an article written by David Grimes, “Don’t Fall Prey to Scaremongering about 5G,” that Scientific American published on October 28, 2019. The Grimes letter rebuts an article written by Joel Moskowitz, “We Have No Reason to Believe that 5G is Safe,” that Scientific American published on October 17, 2019. The Moskowitz letter rebuts an article written by Kenneth Foster, “5G is Coming: How Worried Should We Be About the Health Risks?,” that Scientific American published on September 16, 2019.

To read the entire letter, click on the following link: 


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