South Africa: Rain plans 5,000 4G sites, 700 5G sites, by end 2020


Rain’s big plans to expand its 5G network



Rain CEO Willem Roos: “Currently Rain has 3,200 4G sites, and we have 250 5G sites.  By the end of 2020, Rain plans to have 5,000 4G sites and 700 5G sites in South Africa. Our initial 5G network of 250 sites already ‘passes’ 500,000 households. For a large part of our 4G towers, the day-to-day managing of the sites is outsourced to Vodacom. For our 5G towers, that is all done internally.”

The company has not launched a public 5G product yet, but Roos said South Africans should expect to see a public 5G offering soon.

“It will be a matter of weeks rather than months,” he said.

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