
September 2021
Source: By Sandra Stafford September 5, 2021 9:00AM The mobile wireless industry is preparing to deploy 5G all across the country, and 6G is already in development — but millions of people in the United States don’t even have access to household internet. This differential in access is called the “digital divide,” and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is...
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2 September 2021 The Outer Space Institute is pleased to publish the International Open Letter on Kinetic Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Testing, which urges the UN General Assembly to take up consideration of a treaty that would prohibit conducting debris-generating anti-satellite weapon tests. The letter with an appended list of early signatories is available HERE. The Outer Space Institute...
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Source: By Mike Wall Yunhai 1-02’s wounds are not self-inflicted. In March, the U.S. Space Force’s 18th Space Control Squadron (18SPCS) reported the breakup of Yunhai 1-02, a Chinese military satellite that launched in September 2019. It was unclear at the time whether the spacecraft had suffered some sort of failure — an explosion in its...
Read More August 24, 2021 By Bruno VendittiIn an increasingly connected world, smartphones have become an inseparable part of our lives.Over 60% of the world’s population owns a mobile phone and smartphone adoption continues to rise in developing countries around the world.While each brand has its own mix of components, whether it’s a Samsung or an...
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Source: Only 26% of people around the world own a 5G smartphone, YouGov survey finds Alkesh Sharma Sep 3, 2021 The global adoption of fifth-generation wireless network connectivity, or 5G, has yet to catch on at scale, with only 26 per cent of consumers owning 5G-enabled smartphones, a survey by internet-based market research company...
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Source: Utility Dive Published Aug. 31, 2021 By Robert Walton Dive Brief: Electric panels in up to 48 million U.S. single-family homes will need to be upgraded to fully transition away from fossil fuels and use electricity for space and water heating, cooking, vehicle charging and other applications, according to new research from residential electricity research...
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Source: My Broadband South Africa faces a form of “digital load-shedding” if the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) follows through on its plan to take back temporary radio frequency spectrum on 30 November. This was the stark warning from MTN SA’s executive for corporate affairs, Jacqui O’Sullivan. “Since the start of the pandemic, the...
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